Birth is a journey within, and is so dependent on the mental and emotional landscape of the mother.
How it’s Different:
While “advice” is offered to expecting moms at every corner, the opportunity to discover who we are, and what we truly wish to create in this life, is hard to find. I will walk with you on this journey, but this is your path. This is an opportunity to know yourself deeper, and weigh the risks/benefits of ALL the options.
For you to feel heard and held by a fellow sister. To offer you a roadmap, so that you can reflect, discover, and articulate your deepest desires for your upcoming birth.
To make informed decisions about your birth environment, birth team, and personal preparation from a grounded place. To develop and embody tools that will carry you through. (Not from fear or in the throws of active labor.)
This is Not:
Medical Advice, Doula Service, Conventional Birth Education, One Sized Fits All.
I will not pretend there is any magic moves, positions, techniques, that “work” to “make” birth “safe”, enjoyable, pain free, etc.
What is Included:
△ Three Meetings (in person or virtual)
1 Knowing Yourself
2 Knowing Your Environment
3 Reflecting and Weaving a Plan in Alignment
△ Self Reflection Questionnaires and Exercises
△ Understanding the Drama Triangle (A tool that can be applied to ALL areas of your life.)
△ Questionnaires for Your Provider and Partner
△ Overview of the Modern Birth World, and what Methods and Philosophies are Associated with Each of Them
△ Common Misconceptions that Sabotage a Birth Plan
△ In Depth Resource Guide
△ A Detailed and Customized Printable Birth Plan (Based on your personal beliefs and choices, to share with your provider and team.)
△ Optional Birth Partner Cheat Sheet ($75)
△ Optional 24hr Labor Text Support (+ $200 per day)
△ Free Entry to all Birth Circle Events
Birth Photography clients save an additional $200
“Sarah is particularly exceptional at holding space for the sacred act of giving birth. Her unique package supporting moms on their birth journey in terms of emotional support - and then at the birth as a witness - is something every mother should have. She helps prepare and process birth in a way that’s sensitive, intuitive, spirited, and needed.”