Prenatal 1:1
An opportunity for expecting moms to speak their truth, dreams, and fears, and be heard without judgment.
This is an opportunity to share what is on your heart and mind, and ask questions about, motherhood without the unwanted opinions. This is also an opportunity to plan for a restorative postpartum. My opinion doesn’t matter, what you feel matters. I will offer insight and resources only when you are seeking it.
90 Minute Session
Virtual, at Your Home, or if you want to get out of the house, come to my coffee shop and enjoy a warm or iced complimentary drink.
$125 (Save $25 when added to a Maternity session or Birth Journey package.)
Postpartum 1:1
An opportunity to reflect, tell your story, and be heard in love.
Most will ask you the gender of your baby, the baby’s weight, and congratulate you. But while we are in the tender postpartum period, no one asks how the experience of bringing our baby into the world felt. What parts of the experience weigh on your mind? What are you most proud of? How is your body healing? Do you have questions about what you and your baby experienced?
Many women hold onto past birth trauma without realizing it, never having an opportunity to process this, and be held.
90 Minute Session
Virtual, at your home, or if you want to get out of the house, come to my coffee shop and enjoy a warm complimentary drink. (Baby welcome of course!)
$125 (Save $25 when added to a Newborn session, or Birth Journey package.)